CIO as a Service
The CIO as a Service (CIOaaS) offering is designed to provide strategic advice on the development of IT strategy, project execution and IT service delivery models.
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Digital Disruption
Our existing way of life is being transformed at a rapid rate due to the advancement of digital technologies. This digital disruption is a challenge to the existing ways of doing things.
Governance and Assurance Services
Successful projects have one thing in common, that is strong Governance and independent assurance services.
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All businesses rely on ICT. A good consultant is what makes a difference.
Bret Morris
Bret (with one t) brings extensive experience and expertise to One t Consulting. Most recently, Bret was the chief information officer for the State Government of South Australia. Bret was instrumental in the development of a number of policy positions while in this role, most notably the development of the South Australian Government's digital services strategy and the Premier's Digital by Default declaration. He also championed the government's information and communication technologies strategy, SA Connected.
Bret also has a significant background in corporate governance and operational practice, culminating in his position as executive director, corporate operations and governance within the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
In addition to Bret's public service experience, he has a strong understanding of leadership, mentoring and experiential learning, supported through his time as a board member of the Leaders Institute of South Australia. Additional committee work on a number of cyber-security, the National Broadband Network and Change@SA boards and committees has ensured Bret's comprehensive understanding of a vast array of ICT strategy and procurement issues.