
About One t Consulting

One t Consulting has been established to provide critical and strategic insights to Governments, Agencies, ICT vendors and business on how to respond to the challenges of digital disruption.

Bret (with one t) has held a number of senior Government positions in the Corporate and Governance area as well as a number of CIO positions.  Prior to starting One t Consulting Bret was the SA Government’s State CIO where he championed the Government’s ICT Strategy “SA Connected”, the Open Data agenda and the Digital.SA initiative.  He was also a member of a number of across government ICT governance groups and project management organisations.


Bret was also the chair and or member of a number committees in areas such as cyber security, SA Government’s NBN taskforce and the Government’s peak ICT Committee that was responsible for the oversight and governance of ICT strategy and procurement.


Prior to leaving the SA Public Service to consult in the area of ICT and Digital Services Bret held a number of senior executive roles in across Government ICT strategy, policy, program management, procurement and service delivery as well as  Corporate services

Most recently he held the position of Chief Information Officer for the State Government of South Australia and led the development of the governments “digital by default” agenda and the delivery of other significant policy positions on “open data”, “cloud computing”.  Bret was instrumental in the strategy development and drafting of the South Australian Government’s digital services strategy “Digtial.SA” and the Premier’s “Digital by Default” declaration.

Bret has extensive experience of across government reforms and change programs through his involvement in the shared services reform, and most recently his participation on various Change@SA boards and committees.


He was also responsible for finalising a number of across Govt ICT contracts delivering savings and improved service delivery for the government.  As the State’s CIO he championed the need to raise the awareness of ICT, its pervasive role in transforming service delivery and the need to improve the digital literacy of the public service.

Prior to CIO role Bret was the Executive Director, Corporate Operations and Governance within the Department of Premier and Cabinet having the oversight of the Department’s budget and financials, ICT, and Human Resources.

As a previous board member of the Leaders Institute of SA Bret is fully aware of the importance of leadership training, mentoring and experiential learning.